What Should I Do If I Am Injured At Work?
You May Be Entitled To Compensation For Your On-The-Job Injury
You are entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim if you suffer a job-related injury. Whether you slipped and fell, lifted something and felt a sharp pain, or suffered a traumatic injury our talented and skilled attorneys can provide you with the guidance you need.
Our attorneys at Rosenthal, Levy, Simon & Sosa have provided representation for workplace injury victims for more than 40 years. Our team of dedicated and client-driven individuals has a reputation for delivering the quality advice and personal service you deserve as the victim of an injury. We pledge to focus our skills and experience to each of our clients. You can count on us to deliver the help you need to handle your workers’ compensation claim.
I Suffered An Injury At, Or Related To My Work, What Should I Do Next?
Injuries on the job occur for many reasons. No matter how the accident happened, the first thing you need to do is notify your supervisor. You will want to ensure that your supervisor documents the accident. Your next step is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A doctor will be able to conduct a thorough evaluation of your health and provide recommendations where applicable. Your employer or its workers’ compensation insurer will be able to provide you with a list of authorized medical providers.
After seeking medical attention, you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. Filing a workers compensation claim can be complicated and frustrating. The penalty for making a mistake can be severe. While you focus on your recovery, you will be able to rely on your attorney to represent you in your workers’ compensation claim. We know how to efficiently negotiate with the insurance companies and we have represented people like you for more than 40 years.
Contact Us For Your Free Consultation
Dedicated service is a priority for our firm. We will be there to answer your questions and help you through the process. Call one of the attorneys at our Port St. Lucie or West Palm Beach office for your free consultation. Our number is 866-640-7117, you can also schedule your free consultation online.
Don’t wait - get an experienced attorney on your side to help you with everything that comes next so you can get the compensation you deserve or the advice you need when you need it most.
If you wish to speak with one of our lawyers, call 866-640-7117 or contact us today.
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