Work Accident Causes
Workers in all industries can get into an accident and injure themselves at work. These work accidents usually result from other people’s or entities’ negligence, violations of safety regulations, or defective products or equipment. When employees, employers, and other relevant parties fail to prioritize safety, work-related accidents due to the following causes can occur.
Auto Accidents
If you suffered injuries in an auto accident while riding in or operating a motor vehicle, you may be covered by workers’ comp insurance. But you must prove that you were working or conducting work-related tasks to secure benefits.
Electrocution Accidents
Electrocution accidents are often the most severe workplace accidents. They usually happen when a worker comes into contact with defective electrical equipment or live wires. They can result in cardiac arrest, severe burns, or death.
Equipment Accidents
Heavy equipment accidents are particularly common in the manufacturing, construction, and warehousing industries. From defective equipment to operator error, a seemingly simple mishap can lead to devastating consequences.
Demolition Accidents
Demolitions involve destroying or dismantling all kinds of structures with the use of heavy equipment and dangerous explosives, which is why they are inherently dangerous to the workers.
Forklift Accidents
Workers in various industries use forklifts for handling materials, but if operated improperly, accidents causing severe injuries can happen. Forklift accidents typically occur due to insufficient operator training, unsafe operation, overloading, lack of maintenance, and poor visibility.
Machinery Accidents
Machinery accidents involve a broad range of machinery that workers use, and they can lead to severe injuries or deaths if used incorrectly or recklessly. They usually result from improper operation, failure to utilize safety features, equipment defects, getting entangled in moving parts, and inadequate operator training.
Construction Accidents
Construction sites are often packed with machinery and heavy equipment, power tools, scaffolding, off-ground structures, ladders, and toxic chemicals. Severe to fatal construction accidents can happen if any of these potentially dangerous things are used negligently or malfunctioning.
First Responders Accidents
Firefighters, law enforcement officers, and emergency responders, among others, put their lives at risk every day due to their job’s inherently dangerous nature. First responders who have been injured at work and the surviving families of those who were killed in the line of duty are legally entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Crane Accidents
Cranes and similar equipment for lifting are crucial for moving heavy objects and materials around construction sites. However, they also pose severe risks if handled improperly. Crane accidents can lead to life-changing injuries or deaths for operators, other workers, and even pedestrians.
Building Collapses
Buildings can collapse due to a wide variety of causes, such as demolition errors, construction defects, and degenerative conditions, among others, and cause severe injuries or death to workers around or working on the structure.
Seek Legal Guidance From a Seasoned Florida Work Injury Attorney Now
Regardless of how your work injury occurred and the injury or illness you sustained; you have the right to receive workers’ comp benefits for your losses. Contact the Florida workers’ compensation attorney at Rosenthal, Levy, Simon & Sosa online or by phone at 772-878-3880 to arrange your free consultation.
Don’t wait - get an experienced attorney on your side to help you with everything that comes next so you can get the compensation you deserve or the advice you need when you need it most.
If you wish to speak with one of our lawyers, call 866-640-7117 or contact us today.
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