Protect Your Rights After A Motorcycle Accident
Top Four Actions To Take After A Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents can cause devastating injuries, and the physical and emotional turmoil that ensues can make it difficult to remember every detail of the crash. However, there are some actions you can take in the minutes, hours and days after the crash to protect your rights. These include:
- Get medical help as soon as possible: Seeking treatment after the crash is important even if you feel OK. Take care to abide by your doctor’s instructions. Take all medicines prescribed and attend all of your follow-up appointments.
- Contact police immediately: Law enforcement officers will create an accident report that will include details that could be used to strengthen your case.
- Retrieve contact and insurance information from others at the scene: It’s important to gather as much information about the other drivers involved in the accident as possible, with careful consideration not to disclose or discuss any details of the accident. Collecting names and contact information of witnesses is also important.
- Take photos: If possible, take photos (or ask someone else to take photos) of your motorcycle, any other vehicles involved, and any road signs or road conditions that may have played a part in the crash. Taking photos of your injuries is also advised.
Your health should always be your top priority, but the process of protecting your legal rights should begin as soon as possible after an accident.
Talk To Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers For Free
If you or a family member has been seriously hurt in a motorcycle crash in South Florida or surrounding communities, do not wait to contact an experienced attorney to discuss what types of compensation you deserve.
An insurance company may pressure you to sign a motorcycle accident settlement offer without legal representation. Do not agree to anything without knowing the true extent of your injuries and how they will affect you in the future.
Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our motorcycle accident lawyers at Rosenthal, Levy, Simon & Sosa. We can immediately begin collecting evidence to build a strong case for you.
Don’t wait - get an experienced attorney on your side to help you with everything that comes next so you can get the compensation you deserve or the advice you need when you need it most.
If you wish to speak with one of our lawyers, call 866-640-7117 or contact us today.
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