Several Florida cities have highest rates of pedestrian accidents
As we get deeper into summer, more people will head outside as a way to have some fun. Walking can be both a form of transportation, as well as done for leisure and exercise.
However, walking does not come without its risks. One of the biggest associated risks occurs when pedestrians are in close proximity to vehicle traffic. Far too many people lose their lives in a pedestrian accident involving a motor vehicle every year. However, some areas of the nation pose a higher threat than others. A study done last year found the 20 deadliest cities for pedestrians, and almost half of them are located in Florida.
How dangerous can walking be?
Though many people might assume walking is a low-risk activity, that’s been proven incorrect. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that almost 6,000 pedestrians lost their lives to accidents involving cars in 2016. The NHTSA warns that this number only seems to be increasing.
Experts say that one of the reasons is that people design cities with vehicles in mind first and pedestrians or cyclists second. Some areas have made improvements to increase safety, but not enough. Some hope that the advancement of self-driving car technology will help, but there are still things people can do to get these numbers to decrease.
Florida topping the list
Researchers at the National Complete Streets Coalition looked at government data to determine the 20 most dangerous U.S. cities for pedestrians. Florida is home to nine of them. The top spot went to Orlando, with the next five cities going to Florida as well.
Here is the complete list:
- Orlando, FL
- Daytona Beach, FL
- Palm Bay, FL
- Sarasota, FL
- Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL
- Jacksonville, FL
- Bakersfield, CA
- Cape Coral – Fort Myers, FL
- Tampa, FL
- Jackson, MS
- Memphis, TN
- Baton Rouge, LA
- Birmingham, AL
- Miami, FL
- Greenville, SC
- McAllen, TX
- Albuquerque, NM
- Detroit, MI
- Little Rock, AR
- Augusta, GA
Help for pedestrians
Even if you take precautions when you’re out walking, you can’t control the choices of drivers around you. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a pedestrian accident, you deserve justice. An attorney who specializes in personal injury can answer any questions you may have.
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