Car accident takes a life in Florida
Florida intersections can be highly dangerous places, like most sections of crossroads across the country. A driver has to be especially alert and cautious when approaching an intersection whether it is secured by traffic lights or unmarked. No matter how skilled, experienced or careful a driver someone is, however, if a nearby motorist is reckless or negligent, disaster can occur. A recent car accident ended tragically.
It was nearly 1 p.m. on a Sunday when two vehicles collided. One was a sports utility vehicle that had been heading southbound. A 46-year-old man was behind the wheel at the time. The man’s vehicle and a car coming from another direction crashed. The man suffered serious injuries in the collision.
Rescue workers transported the 24-year-old driver of the second vehicle to a nearby hospital, also, in serious condition. Sadly, a passenger in his car, a 27-year-old man, was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. Another person who was a passenger in one of the vehicles suffered minor injuries in the accident as well.
When a Florida car accident results in injury or death, it is not uncommon for litigation to occur in the aftermath. It might be an immediate family member of a decedent who determines there is enough evidence to prove that another person’s negligence or reckless conduct caused a loved one’s death. A recovering victim may also choose to file a personal injury claim. In either type of case, it is best to consult with an experienced injury law attorney before heading to court.
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